What happened here?
Hi guys! We have adapted the design to make it easier to handle for everyone. It is not a final version, missing some details that will be added gradually. We hope you like this version more simple :)

martes, 9 de abril de 2013

[S3] Darkness

Hi people! I'm Sanxtv!

First, the last two weeks and I was sick so I haven't uploaded anything for that reason :S
Today I prepared a coset, I would like to thank Zauma because she helped me a lot and has been very patient!
But there is a problem, I have not discovered how to do morph so it don't work, I put a picture below and you can see the maximum morph  that you can apply without making it look bad :/

After all this I leave the download! (Sorry for my bad english LOL)

Maxim Morph

Gender - Female
Type - Upper body
Age - Adult/YA
Mesh - New Mesh
Categories - Casual/Formal/Sleepwear
No recolorable

»Do not modify my work without my permission. 
»No re-upload my creations

(.sims3pack and .package in .rar)

Follow me on Tumblr!

3 comentarios:

  1. Está genial, en serio! me parece un gran trabajo y ojalá supiera yo hacer meshes :( podrías decirme algún programa para hacer algo sencillito?
    Por cierto soy gimmeyourpoison de actualidad sims xD.

    1. En Oh!Mysims utilizamos Milkshape para todo, es lo mas sencillo :P

    2. Milkshape para todos! xDDD
      Gimmeyourpoison te he enviado un mensaje por AS :D


Coments are veeeeery welcome! haha