What happened here?
Hi guys! We have adapted the design to make it easier to handle for everyone. It is not a final version, missing some details that will be added gradually. We hope you like this version more simple :)

martes, 30 de abril de 2013

[S3] Dallas

Hi people! I'm Sanxtv
I was be a little offline this days but i'm here again! I did this boots a couple of weeks ago, these are from Claire Redfield, hope you like it! (http://images4.wikia.nocookie.net/__cb20110329210347/residentevil/images/5/5c/1205266-re2_claire_redfield_large.jpg)

Gender - Female
Type - Shoes
Age - Adult/YA
Mesh - New Mesh
Categories- Everyday/Formalwear/Athletic/Outwear/Valid For Maternity

»Do not modify my work without my permission. 
»No re-upload my creations

1 comentario:

Coments are veeeeery welcome! haha