What happened here?
Hi guys! We have adapted the design to make it easier to handle for everyone. It is not a final version, missing some details that will be added gradually. We hope you like this version more simple :)

domingo, 6 de enero de 2013

[S2 ]Dance Posebox

Here's CSItaly.
After a long break, I'm back.
Today I bring you another Dance Posebox, just some random poses.
I hope you like ;)

- Pose "Female001", StretchSkeleton 0.95
- Pose "Female002", StretchSkeleton 0.95
Characters from: Axis Power Hetalia

  • CREDIT IF YOU USE! (I'm CSItaly)
  • Do not claim as your own
  • Do not upload on the exchange
  • Do not redistribute, link this post instead!