What happened here?
Hi guys! We have adapted the design to make it easier to handle for everyone. It is not a final version, missing some details that will be added gradually. We hope you like this version more simple :)

sábado, 22 de septiembre de 2012

[S3] Geometric Galaxy

Hola, al habla Sanxtv xD
La camiseta y la falda van por separado, así que si solo os gusta una cosa os podéis instalar solo una o las dos si os gustan las dos xD, también podréis combinar la camiseta y la falda con más prendas y así se le puede dar más uso que si fuera junto. (La camiseta original es de Icia23 pero yo la he retocado con el milkshape y la he echo mas larga y le he quitado bordes también)

Hi, I'm Sanxtv :)
New clothes for your sims!!
Well at first the shirt and the skirt are separated, so you can install just one of them if you want or both, and make more combinations with the skirt or with the shirt. (Original shirt is from Icia23 but I've tweaked with MilkShape for a long shirt and I have also removed edges)
(Sorry for my english :P)

Transparency on back:

Gender - Female
Type - Skirt and Shirt
Age - Adult/YA
Mesh - New Mesh (Skirt), Original by Icia (Shirt)
Categories-Casual/Formal (Skirt) Casual/Formal/Sleepwear (Shirt)

»Do not modify my work without my permission. (Comment in this post or BloodySims| DEVIANTART
»No re-upload my creations

3 comentarios:

Coments are veeeeery welcome! haha