What happened here?
Hi guys! We have adapted the design to make it easier to handle for everyone. It is not a final version, missing some details that will be added gradually. We hope you like this version more simple :)

lunes, 7 de noviembre de 2011

[Everyday] Clothes NY&LD.

Hi!, today I have things...
I really hate these clothes, but.. are avaliable for download.
Hope you like lol!

MESH by Wushbin included.
There are three meshes in the file, I don't know which is the original, sorry.



I'm working on a animation posebox, but... it takes me a long time x)
I'll also make more recolors.. and sims and too in the sims 3.
My next model are she:

I love her, but I have to changes some things.
This is all for today.
